Why should you buy SG domain from GoCloudEasy?

When you purchase a .com.sg or .sg domain with GoCloudEasy, here is what you get

  1. Instant registration
  2. Seamless renewal process
  3. Great price for wholesalers
  4. Instant Name server change
  5. 24/7 Support (Phone / Email)
  6. DNSSEC 24/7 easy access to setup
  7. Always-On domain theft protection
  8. Weekly consolidated domain renewal list
  9. Child name server (Glue record) easy access to setup
  10. Get Transfer out EPP code anytime easily, no question asked
  11. Never lose your domain name, save card enable Auto-Renewal
  12. Monthly consolidated invoice for all your purchases, easy accounting
  13. We don’t upsell, and we don’t cross sell, you will not be disturbed by us